
Showing posts from 2024

The 16th NEAR Language Education Conference (Co-Sponsored with Niigata Chapter)

     The 16th Annual NEAR Language Education Conference  (face-to-face)   Theme:  Creating and Sharing in the Language Teaching Context Date:  June 29 . 2024 (Sat.) Venue: NUIS (Niigata Univ. of International & Information Studies) Furumachi Campus in Niigata City   URL: com/ conference     JALT Ibaraki is co-sponsoring the 16th NEAR Conference held by JALT Niigata. Professor James Morris is representing our chapter.  Chapter Presenter:   James Morris Presentation Title:   Digital Tools and Japanese Language Learning:  Present and Future Abstract: To be announced Bio-data: To be announced Plenary Speaker: Marc Helgesen Marc is professor emeritus at Miyagi Gakuin and a prolific author with over 200 articles, books, and textbooks to his name. His notable works include “English Teaching and the Science of Happiness” published by ABAX and the “English Firsthand” series by Pearson. Marc will speak to us about “Happiness 3.0,” focusing on in

Ibaraki JALT March 2024 All-day Face- to-face Meeting

Date:  March 17, 2024 Fee:  Members: Free, Non-Members: 500 yen   Venue:   Ibaraki University, Mito, Ibaraki-prefecture Address:  2-1-1, Bunkyo, Mito Location map in Japanese: generalinfo/campus/mito/ Access in English: access/   Meeting Room : Seminar Room, the 3rd Floor, Ibaraki University Library (in front of the main gate) ------   How to reach the library and/or park your car 1.       O btain a parking permit at the guard station at the main gate.  2.       Then, go to the visitor’s parking lot entrance ( 来客用駐車場入り口 ).  Park your car in the space highlighted yellow in the map.  (See the attached word file:  “Ibaraki university parking.docx”)     3.  Walk to the library.  -----   Morning session:  10:00 – 12:00   Two chapter members will present in the morning. Presentation 1   ( 10:00 – 11:00 ) Title: Materials Evaluation in Actual Classroom Use: A Case Study   Presenter: Ania Gonzalez Summary : This presentation will dis

UTCEGLOC/JALT Event 1.31.2024

  Academic Writing Support Desk - Second Anniversary Event In conjunction with JALT Ibaraki and JALT Tokyo Chapter and the University of Tsukuba,  the Academic Writing Support Desk (AWSD) second anniversary event will take place on Wednesday 31st January 2024 between 3.00pm and 5.00pm (in-person and online).    Louise Ohashi will be presenting on Using Machine Translation for Writing. You can also find out more about how the writing desk supports learners and learn about the tutor training program at AWSD. This event is FREE and open to all.  Please fill out this registration form to receive your Zoom Link/Information for the event. Registration will close on Tuesday 30 th  January 2024 at 12pm (JST).    Link for the registration -