The Japan Association for Language Teaching


Next Meeting 

Saturday, May 23rd, 2015, 10:00 – 17:00  


Featured Morning Speaker:

Joyce Cunningham

Tokiwa University Professor
(Ibaraki University Professor Emerita)

Morning presentation (10:30 - 11:45):

Anne of Green Gables in the Language Classroom

You will be invited to participate in a short introduction to the much-loved novel,  Anne of Green Gables.  Most Japanese students seem to enjoy this story and engage in the activities with enthusiasm.  Eastern Canada will be described and you will gain an initial understanding of the people, attitudes and values that form this part of Canada.  Above all, we will focus on Prince Edward Island and the story of its popular heroine, Anne.  A few key scenes in the movie will be viewed and accompanied by worksheets for classroom use.  You will also become acquainted with the author, L. M. Montgomery, and learn more about the details of the story that is now so well-known throughout the world.  

Featured Afternoon Speaker:

Mark Brierley

Shinshu University —Associate Professor

JALT Extensive Reading SIG  Representative

Afternoon presentation (14:00 - 15:45):

Why Extensive Reading? Seven reasons for
Students and Teachers

Effective and sustainable extensive reading (ER) programmes depend on orientation and re-orientation into the reasons for ER, as well as a supply of books, allocation of time, and careful consideration of assessment strategies. Below are seven reasons for doing ER, which teachers can use to explain to students why they should read extensively. 1) ER is a good source of input. 2) ER provides a wide range of vocabulary and collocation. 3) ER builds fluency. 4) ER means reading narratives, which have been central to the development of humanity. 5) Reading books is necessary for literacy. 6) ER encourages learner autonomy and puts students in control of their destiny. 7) ER is relatively easy to implement inside and outside the classroom. These reasons can be delivered as brief points before or after reading, expanded into full lessons including discussion points and possible homework assignments, or integrated into other activities. This paper is primarily aimed at teachers already practicing ER who need ways to persuade their students how important it is. It may also provide ideas to help convince teachers who have not yet reached the conclusion that all language courses should strongly encourage their students to read extensively.

Business Meeting (16:00~~)

Saturday, May 23rd, 2015, 10:00 – 17:00

Click for a link to the venue

Ibaraki Christian University
Hitachi Omika  

And a map to get you from the station to the venue! You can download this jpg photo to your phone.

Doors open at 10:00 – No pre-registration necessary!
JALT Members: Free    Non-members: 500 yen

JALT Ibaraki chapter meetings are open to all interested in learning and teaching languages.